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Friday, August 22, 2008

Aug's a packed mth. (as u can tell from my lack of entries.)

First it was Karambi & Marjyot's wedding from 8th-11th Aug with Livestudios.sg
then Satsuma Shipping Pte Ltd's Opening Ceremony,
followed by HP, AMK CCN (too lazy to type out the name in full so you'll have to guess what does it stand for) and Rednano.sg (great local directory. you can find everything and anything you'll ever need in/from spore in there.).
Next week's not gonna be any easier.

I need a holiday.

But for now, some pics.

Karambi & Marjyot's wedding with Eileen from Redhat Media


Check out the colours man. They had the entire stage re-decorated and had an entire AV crew just to deal with the lights and various bands/singers. It was a hell of a party (all 4 nights.)

It was actually more interesting than a Chi wedding as everyone was involved in the wedding. -grin.



That's us with Eileen and Melvin from Redhat Media (duh, where else?)

photo courtesy of Regina and James (their website is still under construction so......)


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